We’ve had another action-packed few days at Cowes, with all possible weather conditions but luckily no sign of Brexit blues

David Kong

Another has drawn to a close and in Cowes we’ve had 750 crews participating, pontoon parties and experienced every season during the regatta, from glorious sunshine to torrential rain and very soggy crews on the final day.

There’s been some great sailing and close races, with a few photo finishes. Companies who excelled this year included Birketts, Wates, Newforma and Boomerang. Other construction attendees included Wates, Lendlease, Shephard Robson, Surface to Air, Granit Architects, Galliford Try and Eckersley O’Callaghan to name a few.

We’ve also raised lots of money for our charities again, one of the many benefits of Little Britain.

From the people we spoke to, it’s business as usual with the market feeling steady as everyone waits to see what leaving the EU will bring to our industry. There’s some apprehension definitely but it’s tempered with positivity from most and a confidence that it won’t be that bad. We’ll have to wait and see.

Next year is our 30th regatta – an amazing achievement for a team of volunteers who organise the event each year – and it’s going to be brilliant. We’re hoping to see everyone who took part this year and some new faces too. See you on the water in 2017!

David Kong, LBCC Regatta chairman and marketing director of Domus