“You can't get that passionate about training” (24 March, Leader, page 3)? Really! Again I find myself having to state the Scottish position regarding apprenticeships and training within the construction industry. We are different - and those differences produce results, which indicate we are also successful.
The Scottish ɫTV Apprenticeship and Training Council (SBATC) registered 2303 apprentices in 2004 – at any time we have about 8000 apprentices within our system. Founded in 1934, SBATC consists of employers, trade unions, and representatives from education, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, CITB-ConstructionSkills and other interested parties. It sets and regulates all aspects of apprenticeships in Scotland. Our apprentices must be employed from the first day of their apprenticeship, unlike the placements currently offered in the South, and must undertake training to achieve an SVQ Level 3 in their chosen craft. The security of employment status, coupled with the rigid structure of the apprenticeship, contributes to the success we have achieved.
In the past few years we have approved schemes that involve Secondary 3 and 4 students [14 to 15 year olds] choosing construction as an elective subject and attending a local college for a half-day per week. This has proved successful, with many of these young people going on to apprenticeships. Vocational training has to be embraced by our educational establishment. Our students experience all trades in S3 and then choose a specific trade to study during S4. We found that the SVQ Level 2 qualification was too demanding, so with our partner SQA, we developed a Progression Award, which can be as flexible as required by each training establishment.
We are delighted to discuss what we do with anyone who has the inclination - and yes, we do need to encourage more employers to train - but we are not disheartened by the current situation. We are proud and rightly so!
So please, when writing about the need to address the apprenticeship issue, spare a thought for those of us who have, and are reaping the benefits of getting it right!
Ali Morrow, head of human resources/registrar, SBATC
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