A clarification from a former Davis Langdon Schumann Smith partner

state of play

With regard to your article Aecom and the RIBA pull plug on consultancy collaboration (1 March, page 13), concerning the scrapping of an alliance between NBS and the Aecom specification team, I would like to point out that I was never consulted on, or involved in, any acquisition discussions and am no longer involved with Davis Langdon Schumann Smith having resigned from the firm in April 2012. I have been made aware of confusion arising from the use of the Schumann name and would point out that I am now a director and owner of an independent specification consultancy called Schumann Consult with my son Mark.

Having worked almost exclusively with architects for the past 27 years I have the greatest respect for the profession and enjoy a good relationship with the RIBA which I look forward to continuing for many years to come.

Nick Schumann, director, Schumann Consult
