Ray鈥檚 right-hand woman at board level Anna Stewart is leading the way in a whole number of areas

Ray O'Rourke

The context of Ray O鈥橰ourke鈥檚 comments should also be borne in mind (鈥溾, 3 July).

There was a question posed around the demographic of the summit attendees (male to female ratio) and also the German manufacturing and export based economy.

The Laing O鈥橰ourke Group evidenced significant investment in R&D, pre-assembly component factories, payment terms at 21 days and a leading commitment to BIM.

Efficient working processes and methodologies will increase quality, profitability, health and safety and move our industry to a stronger export base.

It should also be noted that Anna Stewart is Ray鈥檚 right-hand woman at board level and so is leading the way in a whole number of areas.

Erland Rendall, via
