What’s your preferred means of communication?

It’s hard to keep up with these social networking sites. I prefer face to face and meeting up.

Where shall we play?

My three-year-old son gets to play the Nintendo DS more than I do. However I do help him with Dora the Explorer when I get home from work!

What’s your favourite iTune?

I grew up listening to the Rolling Stones and The Who so they’re on my iPod but I’m listening to The Stone Roses and Elbow quite a lot at the moment.

What’s your favourite site?

This would have to be looking for my dream home! That and rugby site .

What was the last book you bought online?

I used to be in the forces and like military reading, so Shake Hands With The Devil by Lt General Romeo Dallaire.

Favourite meeting place?

My local rugby club in Tyldesley.