The Turner & Townsend project director on why he doesn’t own a Mac, vaporizing Network Rail employees and dancing around the sitting room to David Guetta

What is your favourite website?

, every time. My children and I have a similar sense of humour, so they are always introducing me to silly stuff.

What is your worst digital habit?

YouTube is also my worst digital habit. It’s dangerously addictive. It allows me to watch old pop videos from my youth, and that can be fatal.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

My smartphone of choice is a BlackBerry, but I have an iPod touch for my music.

Are you into social networking? (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc)

I do use LinkedIn and Facebook, to catch up with old friends. But I am pretty poor with my social networking - it’s a rainy Sunday afternoon thing, not an every five minutes obsession. 

Are you on Twitter? If so, who do you recommend following?

I’m not on twitter, but if I was, of course the only feed I’d follow is, ahem, @turnertownsend #3linewhip.

What is your favourite app?

As someone who commutes on the train for an hour twice a day, I am totally addicted to Pocket God. Rail journey stress evaporates when you can vaporise tiny characters on a screen. I’m surprised no one has invented Pocket Network Rail God, where underperforming signal controllers can be nuked if your train is late.

What did you last buy online?

The last things I bought online were the new single by Gotye, and some theatre tickets.  Most things we buy online now, so there is a never-ending stream of parcels arriving at our house.

PC or Mac?

Well I don’t work for an Internet start-up in Shoreditch, so I’m strictly PC. Then again, I’ve never had a Mac, so probably don’t know what I’m missing.

Guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure tune is David Guetta’s Titanium. Cheesy perhaps, but it does get us all dancing round the sitting room. Well, just me really.

Robert Deatker is project director at the programme management consultancy Turner & Townsend. He is currently project managing the London Bridge Quarter (the Shard) development