What鈥檚 your preferred means of communication?

We鈥檙e about to launch a blog on our website ... (). I do use Facepub (it doesn鈥檛 exist, but maybe it should).

What鈥檚 your favourite website?

foundmagazine.com. I also check to remind myself which bits of cyclewear I can鈥檛 really afford.

What was the last thing you bought online?

Two pairs of Converse All Star Magenta Sequinned shoes. What鈥檚 a boy to wear on the fourth plinth?

What鈥檚 your TV choice?

I haven鈥檛 got a telly, so it鈥檚 off to the Barbican library for DVDs of Upstairs, Downstairs.

Do you play computer games?

My brother was expelled from school because of an addiction to Space Invaders that led him to miss the equivalent of a whole term in one year; maybe that put me off computer games forever 鈥