Architect Tony Fretton on wellington boots, the Royal Horticultural Society and listening to the jazz of the Vijay Iyer Trio

What is your favourite website?

, which provides a fund of information and advice for people like me, farming a 7x4 courtyard in north London.

What is your worst digital habit?

Associative thinking that takes me from one subject to another, but which gives me unexpected insights.

Iphone / Blackberry / Android - which side are you on?

Iphone – is there anything else?

Are you into social networking?

I like Twitter very much – it is a way to communicate with friends in that community and be aware of others. LinkedIn, which I also use, is a way of people showing that they are available for business.

What is your favourite app?

For reading – The Guardian, Financial Times, Politico, BD, the Onion.

For drawing Pro sketch book.

What is your preferred means of communication?

Email for business, SMS and Skype for friends.

What did you last buy online?

A pair of Muckboot wellingtons for gardening and the Vijay Iyer Trio’s album Accelerando.

PC or Mac?

Mac (see iPhone above).

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

No guilt, just pleasure in playing Vijay Iyer Trio’s number MmmHmm. Jazz pianist/composer Vijay Iyer, bassist Stephan Crump and drummer Marcus Gilmore are just astonishing. 

Tony Fretton is principal of Tony Fretton Architects