The associate director of HLM on running apps, Arcade Fire, and summing up life in 140 characters

Paul Turpin

What is your favourite website?

Having principally worked in education for the last few years, groups like are truly inspiring, teaching us how to produce and not just consume technology.  Also, feeds my appetite for all things vinyl, art and film.

What is your worst digital habit?

Using my laptop too near to bedtime.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?


Are you into social networking?

Yep, LinkedIn and Facebook. I’ve still not got the hang of Twitter though…

If you are on Twitter, who do you recommend to follow?

I’m yet to grasp the concept of summarising my day to day life in 140 characters.

What is your favourite app?

MapMyRun: a free app for running.

What is your preferred means of communication?

With work, I prefer “face to face”, as what you can say in two minutes can be played out across a half hour email “conversation”.

What did you last buy online?

Arcade Fire “Reflektor” on double vinyl. 

PC or Mac?


Guilty pleasures: most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

Most played at the moment is the latest QOTSA album.

I could list many guilty pleasures, including Georgio Moroder’s “Together in Electric Dreams” and Britney Spears “Hit Me Baby…” which is pure unadulterated pop.   

Paul Turpin is associated director at HLM