The head of building consultancy at Gerald Eve on forgetting his Blackberry, keeping in touch with relatives abroad, and what he’d do if he won the lottery

Michael Robsinson

What is your favourite website?

For business the most useful I find is . For general news, weather and sports updates it is the and at leisure, a quick look at in readiness for that big lottery win.

What is your worst digital habit?

Leaving my Blackberry on the kitchen worktop causing a sharp U-turn on the way to the office.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

I constantly use my trusty Blackberry but I’m very envious of my son’s new iPhone.

Are you into social networking?

I am a member of LinkedIn but not an avid user. As a family, we are using Facetime on the iPad more and more to link up with friends and family who live abroad.

Are you on Twitter? If so who do you recommend to follow?

I don’t use Twitter myself, but more and more of my colleagues are using it to keep up-to-date with what’s going on.

What is your favourite app?

It changes but presently the Sunday Times as it means I don’t have to go to the papershop on cold and rainy Sunday mornings.

What is your preferred means of communication?

Face to face if practical. I believe that phone calls can achieve a lot more than discussions via email and remove any misconception, but email comes into its own when linking up with a number of parties and sharing information.

What did you last buy online?

Flights for a family trip to the USA this summer.

PC or Mac?

I use a PC all day for business but as a family we are about to go Mac

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

After attending a recent concert in their home town of Manchester is has to be anything by Elbow.

Michael Robinson is head of building consultancy at Gerald Eve