The WSP deputy managing director on being a Twitter virgin, why he isn’t into social netwroking, and Gangnam Dance Booth

Mark Naysmith WSP

What is your favourite website?

I don’t think I have a favourite but I do refer to the BBC news and weather pages.

What is your worst digital habit?

Sending emails

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

Blackberry and iPod.

Are you into social networking? (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook etc)

I don’t really have time or interest. However, LinkedIn is a useful contact database.

Are you on Twitter? If so who do you recommend to follow?

I recently joined Twitter but still claim to be a twitter virgin

What is your favourite app?


What is your preferred means of communication? (eg. Email, phone, face to face, text etc)

You can’t beat face to face

What did you last buy online?

A Christmas present for my wife.

PC or Mac?


Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

At the moment, Drive By and 50 Ways to Say Goodbye, both by Train.

Mark Naysmith is UK deputy managing director of WSP