The chartered surveyor on why he doesn’t use a Mac, becoming an iPhone convert, and online shopping

Killian Hurley

What is your favourite website?

During the working day it would probably be close between LinkedIn and BBC news but out of work I tend to spend most of my time on BBC sport and I love uploading data from my runs to the Nike plus website to keep a track of my training progress.

What is your worst digital habit?

I’m sure there are quite a few and it would depend on who you were to ask. I spend a lot of my time playing on my iPhone and iPad which I think can be annoying for my family. The worst habit by far is forgetting passwords and usernames I have that many to remember.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

I avoided the iPhone for quite a while and had an Android phone but I made the change to an iPhone last year and I’m not sure I would ever go back. The iPhone is brilliant for e mails and managing my calendar so that I always know where I need to be and can keep on top of e mails. I’m sure other phones are just as good but I’m firmly an iPhone convert – I have an iPhone 5 and 4s.

Are you into social networking?

In short yes. I like to keep up to date with these things and I use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, I’d never claim to be an expert but I certainly try my best. Facebook is used solely for personal use to keep in touch with friends scattered across the UK. I use Twitter for both personal and business use, my personal account tends to be used for communicating with fellow football fans but I also get involved with the company Twitter account. Whilst I am still learning about LinkedIn I find it a great tool for business, for making new contacts, reading opinions on forums, sharing news stories and generally trying to promote myself and the business.

Who do you recommend to follow on Twitter?

Obviously but I also like to follow being a fan and I find useful if you’ve missed out on tickets for an event, want to go to something last minute or have some spare tickets for an event.

What is your favourite app?

My favourite apps are Instagram as I’ve always been a fan of photography, and Nike plus running so that I can keep a track of my runs as part of my training for the Great North Run.

What is your preferred means of communication?

In the digital world I would say email as it is extremely convenient, but there is no substitute for speaking on the phone or face to face.

What did you last buy online?

The last thing I bought online was my Glastonbury ticket, but I tend to buy most things online except for food.

PC or Mac?

Definitely PC. This is largely down to the fact I have never used a Mac but also because they are so expensive.

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

Anything by the Stone Roses, Foo Fighters, Stereophonics and Kasabian with a few dance tracks thrown in to help motivate me when I’m training.

James Baker chartered building surveyor at Alps Group