The Multitech Site Services managing director on keeping up to date with boxing news, listening to The Jam, and learning to love his Kindle

Guy Scilly

What is your favourite website?

I tend to visit a couple of times a week.

What is your worst digital habit?

Being in a hurry and typing emails too quickly, which can occasionally lead to spelling mistakes.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

For me it is the iPhone. I particularly like the new iPhone 5.

Are you into social networking?

All of the above. As a business we have been using Twitter for a while, but have made extensive use of LinkedIn across the company.

We have also registered Pintrest and YouTube accounts and will be loading some good content soon.

Who do you recommend to follow on Twitter?

Business-wise I like to follow, for the up to date news. In terms of pure amusement factor is always good value.

What is your favourite app?

App wise my favourite is which is an online boxing channel covering the domestic boxing scene in the UK.

What is your preferred means of communication? (eg. Email, phone, face to face, text)

One unfortunate by-product of the digital age is that people are losing the ability to communicate properly, preferring instead to stay behind emails and texts. Personally speaking I don’t think you can beat face to face/telephone with a follow up email afterwards.

What did you last buy online?

I was given a Kindle for Christmas and after my initial sceptism have been using it a lot. So much so that I have now given away most of my books to charity or friends.

Consequently my last online purchase was a digital book – a self published science fiction novel called Progenitor by Dan Worth.

PC or Mac?

They both have there places.

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/ Spotify?

It tends to by anything by the seminal late seventies band the Jam

Guy Scilly is managing director of Multitech Site Services