The managing director of Charlie Laing Project Management on tea and biscuits, the wisdom of Ben Goldacre and buying swords online for his son

Charlie Laing

What is your favourite website?

homepage – dull but true.

What is your worst digital habit?

The ever growing inbox. More things seem to arrive than leave and it’s a struggle to keep on top of all the traffic.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

Blackberry for phone and a great tablet PC called EXOPC running Windows 7 not Android.

Are you into social networking?

LinkedIn and Twitter more than Facebook. Also, blog and .

Who do you recommend to follow on Twitter?

– read his book Bad Science to know why he’s worth listening to.

What is your favourite app?

Sorry, don’t do apps really. Only and a map.

What is your preferred means of communication?

Tea and biscuits – long distance communication is great but face to face is best.

What did you last buy online?

An épée. My son is a fencer.

PC or Mac?

PC. See above.

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

Anything by the Early Opera Company – I am a Trustee – or Show of Hands.

Charlie Laing is managing director of Charlie Laing Project Management