The WSP Digital director discusses cycling, his favourite apps and listening to Hall & Oates

Andy Porter

What is your favourite website?

Loads of tech forums which you can spend hours/days/weeks lost in, but I still come back to the BBC in all its various forms. and for some light relief from all things digital it used to be the now sadly departed showcasing the worst (or best) of human creativity!

What is your worst digital habit?

Crikey, quite a few, not turning devices off, accepting push notifications (and then not deleting) and sneaking a peak at messages/notifications in meetings.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

Been with Apple ecosystem a while, but Android getting closer, I think the new Blackberry Z10 looks good too, but not sure it will expand beyond existing Blackberry users though.

Are you into social networking?

Yep – LinkedIn and Twitter but more of an observer than a committed contributor. It’s been interesting to watch them develop into useful professional tools, and also understanding digital etiquette.

Are you on Twitter? Who do you recommend to follow on Twitterr?

I am, , I follow a few in the wider digital community such as and but my daily treat is @TwopTwips. And of course.

What is your favourite app?

For smartphone – – I’m a bike nerd.

Tablet - .

And of course all the ones we’ve developed for clients as well as own for field data collection tool, for iPad, ecoField.

What is your preferred means of communication?

Face to face is always best, but they all have their place and time.

What did you last buy online?

Some SRAM shifters for my cyclocross bike

PC or Mac?

Bet I’m not the first to say this….I try to be but occasionally lapse on the former and a vegetarian so rarely visit on the latter. Yse both, but prefer my Mac

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

Guilty pleasure has to be Hall & Oates the ‘80’s pop/rock duo, but most played is fairly eclectic over last year; but top 5 has been Bill Wells & Aidan Moffat, Field Music, White Denim, Fairport Convention and Flying Lotus….An odd bunch.

Andrew Porter is director of WSP digital