Tim Whitcombe, an architectural assistant with NBBJ’s London studio, on pets with bad habits, getting around London and making lists.

Tim Whitcombe

What is your favourite website?

A bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, brought to my attention by my animal obsessed girlfriend:

What is your worst digital habit?

I like to make big ‘to do’ lists, then ignore them.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

I’m a big BlackBerry fan. Although it’s not the most popular handset brand within the industry, I’ve grown very fond of my BlackBerry and much prefer it to some of the ‘one size fits all’ or freeware phones out there. Bring on BlackBerry 10.

Are you into social networking? (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook etc)

I use a bit of each, with most of my day to day online socialising via Twitter. I find Linkedin is good for ‘connecting’ more formally, whereas, with Twitter, I’ll follow anyone and everyone I find relatively interesting. I’ve actually made a few friends through using it.

Are you on Twitter? If so who do you recommend to follow?

I’d give @SuButcher a follow. She’s a font of knowledge for both the Twitter newbie and more experienced tweeters. However, @BadJokeCat is good for a chuckle.

What is your favourite app?

As I’m new to London, I’m making the most of the ‘Tube Map’ app. Not particularly exciting, but gets me from A to B with a little more accuracy than Google Maps.

What is your preferred means of communication? (eg. Email, phone, face to face, text etc)

While I love communicating digitally though an email, Tweet or BBM, chatting face to face is definitely the best way to get a point across and really connect, failing that a phone call.

What did you last buy online?

A tiny USB and a Moleskine 2013 pocket diary (for making more lists in hardcopy).

PC or Mac?

I’m a big fan of my Mac when out of the office, although strangely that’s not transferred into the ipad/ iphone world. In the office, we’re PC based which is great for things like Revit/CAD etc. If the office moves to Windows 8, that may change my mind…

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

Friendly Fires - Paris (Aeroplane Remix)