A design director hopes this confession will cure his worst digital habit, and also reveals a penchant for 90’s hard house music

Simon Bowden

What is your favourite website?

For architecture, it’s and for wider news it’s a mix of and . For leisure time, both and are essential tools for planning the next holiday.

What is your worst digital habit?

Checking messages when in meetings. It’s rude and inexcusable but perhaps this confession will be part of the cure!

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

iPhone without question - it’s been designed for human beings.

Are you into social networking (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook etc)

I am a member of LinkedIn, which is a useful way of maintaining business connections. On the social side, my family are always trying to convince me of the merits of Facebook, but I’m afraid I value my privacy far too much.

Are you on Twitter? If so, who do you recommend to follow?

I have an account, but have to confess I have been slow to catch on and haven’t really engaged with it.

What is your favourite app?

I have several. The Pantone app is a great tool for matching colour swatches and I am also a huge fan of Dropbox which allows me to share, send and transfer large image files. I also still marvel at Shazam, a music app which identifies songs you don’t know and allows you to download them via itunes.

What is your preferred method of communication (eg email/phone.face-toface etc)?

Face to face is my preferred method by some distance and, even though I travel a lot, I make a point of not hiding behind emails and will always make a phone call when I can.

What did you last buy online?

I have reached a stage where I buy almost everything online - music, books, clothes and groceries. Aside from my weekly grocery shop, the last major purchase I made online was for some light fittings.

PC or Mac?

I’m very much an Apple disciple, so it’s a Mac for me although I do deviate occasionally as so many online drafting tools are only available on a PC.

Guilty pleasures: most played tunes from itunes/Spotify?

It has to be some classic hard house , which takes me back to the happy days of the early 1990’s.

Simon Bowden is London design director at Aedas