The HOK practice building director on the BBC sport website, checking Twitter and why he prefers to meet face to face

Rob Firth

What is your favourite website?

鈥 always been a mad sports player and fan, and following text updates on cricket or rugby can be almost as exciting as watching the real thing.

What is your worst digital habit?

Checking Twitter 鈥 could very easily waste hours, when the majority of the content is tosh.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?


Are you into social networking? (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc)

Only LinkedIn and Twitter, and not as actively as I should be.

Who do you recommend to follow on Twitter?

I try to follow thought leaders and groups close to my heart, but I haven鈥檛 used it as a tracker for breaking news, which I should.

I would recommend and . Funny, but good social comment and thoughts.

What is your favourite app?

The Theodore Gray Elements Table in iPad 鈥 awesome in both simplicity and detail.

What is your preferred means of communication? (eg. Email, phone, face to face, text etc)

Preferred is face to face every time because you communicate completely and pick up all the 鈥渢ells鈥. I have always hated the phone.

What did you last buy online?

A painting. I saw it in a gallery and realised I really wanted it after I left.

PC or Mac?

Mac 鈥 I have had almost every type through the years, although started with an Amstrad for my university thesis. That was pretty good too!

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

Turn of the Century by Yes, All Blues by Miles Davis, The Ocean by Led Zeppelin, and Piano Sonata No 8 by Beethoven

Rob Firth, director of practice building, HOK