The Lewis and Hickey board member on Formula 1, plane spotting apps and going to see Take That

Nick Riley

What is your favourite website? 

– Formula 1 is a passion of mine!  

 What is your worst digital habit?

Generally not being able to put my phone down! I’m always thinking about new emails and new information. I like to have my finger on the pulse.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

The Blackberry was my most stable phone, but slipped behind the times. My current phone is an iPhone and yes it’s good, but I think we’re about to see Samsung become the market leader. Apple seem to have stopped evolving.

Are you into social networking? (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc)

Massively. I’m especially interested in the benefits of social media in the business context. I use LinkedIn and Twitter a lot to promote our work – I and also write a regular blog at .

 Are you on Twitter? If so who do you recommend to follow?

Yes, I manage our company twitter account and also have my own account. Tom Bloxham is a big tweeter and I’ve always admired the work of Urban Splash.

What is your favourite app?

I mainly use apps purely for their functionality. I like the . is good too. is fascinating (even though I’m not a plane spotter!).

What is your preferred means of communication? (eg. Email, phone, face to face, text etc)

Preferred – face to face or phone, but time constraints and the ability to contact multiple people simultaneously result in email being used a lot – especially as I’m constantly on the move.

What did you last buy online?

A Ted Baker suit. 

PC or Mac?

I’ve never really used a Mac, so it’s a PC for me.

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

I’m not massively into music. I listen to a wide range of genres. My wife is an original Take That fan and I admit I actually enjoyed going to their show at Wembley back in 2011.

Nick Riley is a board director at Lewis and Hickey