John Rowan and Partners head of asset management talks fridge magnets, Phil Collins and Samurai versus Zombie defence

Ben Johnson

What is your favourite website?

I think I probably visit the more than any other to look at news and business.

What is your worst digital habit?

Probably checking Facebook and LinkedIn for updates.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

Android on the Samsung Galaxy 3.

Are you into social networking? (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc)

I like both LinkedIn and Facebook, but I feel Facebook is better as it’s a lot more interactive, LinkedIn still seems a bit like a business directory.

Are you on Twitter? If so who do you recommend to follow?

No, I don’t tweet.

What is your favourite app?


What is your preferred means of communication? (eg. Email, phone, face to face, text etc)

Face to face is still best.

What did you last buy online?

A fridge freezer! Amazingly when our old one broke, we were able to buy it on a Sunday and it turned up the next day.

PC or Mac?


Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

A bit of Phil Collins and Genesis would be my guilty pleasure

Ben Johnson, head of asset management at John Rowan and Partners