Paul Morrell may not be a “fan of partnering” but I trust he will do all he can, as chief construction adviser, to resist the swing back to pre-Latham forms of procurement
Market conditions and the results of the Office of Fair Trading investigation are currently reawakening in the minds of many clients a belief that value for money is best achieved by unlimited competition, with contractors selected by lowest tender price in single-stage tendering. Industry leaders who explain that this is not the case are easily accused of special pleading.
Fifteen years ago, Latham did a good job in client education, but penetration of the message was only skin-deep in some parts of the public sector. Morrell is now in a position to explain authoritatively and impartially the meaning of best value, and how enlightened approaches to procurement can help to achieve it.
John Bale, emeritus professor, Leeds Metropolitan university
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