Gareth Sinnamon tells ɫTV about the All Blacks, Dunluce Castle and rural Donegal 

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Why did you choose construction as a career?

It was either that or farming! More seriously, a fire in my early teens destroyed my family home, following which I assisted my father in rebuilding it. This gave me early insight and experience in the design and construction process.  

What is the most helpful advice you’ve been given?

Conduct yourself with humility. Be true to yourself and don’t get too big for your boots. The New Zealand All Blacks rugby team recognise the importance of character, and humility is at the core of their culture. After every game – win or lose – members of the team clean the changing room or “sweep the shed”. They also have a policy called “no dickheads”. Regardless of our position, we should be prepared to roll up our sleeves and assist in any tasks within our organisations.


Source: Shutterstock

What’s your favourite building in the world?

Memories of childhood holidays on the Antrim Coast in Northern Ireland bring to mind the majestic, mythical backdrop of Dunluce Castle rising up from the ocean cliffs for hundreds of years. The tale of the castle kitchens collapsing into the sea during a storm while the MacDonnell clan hosted a banquet is more believable than my memories of summer sunshine!


Source: Shutterstock

What advice would you give to someone starting out in your profession?

Work hard – the industry presents terrific opportunities for everyone. As long as you work hard and are passionate in what you do, you will succeed. Our industry is a community and if you can build your reputation as someone who consistently delivers, you will grow and achieve your goals. Finally – have fun!

What do you think your best quality is?

Being positive, consistent and having a can-do attitude – it takes nothing to smile.

Name three things that you like:

Fresh air, family and friendship.

Your most prized possession?

My bicycle – coming from rural Donegal, it was my only means of transport until I could drive – and continues to serve me well for my commute and leisure rides.

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Source: Shutterstock

Early bird or night owl?

This is the play hard side of me, being sociable and enjoying the craic of a night out. However, my body, head, soul, (and wife), are now regularly reminding me I am no longer 21 and therefore the early bird is tweeting louder and louder.