Clients – Page 21
Carillion replaces rail boss after contracts setback
Contractor brings in ‘inclusive manager’ to persuade Network Rail to reverse suspension
First BAA management change
Ferrovial, the Spanish owner of airport operator BAA, has made its first management change three months after taking over the company for £10bn.
Revaluation ups Development Securities profit by 75%
Portfolio revaluation boosts profit to £8.4m as client increases dividends 6% to 2.25p a share
Corporate manslaughter bill targets public sector clients
Proposals make it easier to convict large clients, contractors and architects for gross negligence
Clients sceptical about CIC contract
The Construction Industry Council has asked for feedback on its draft consultants' contract, which was published online today.
Asda plans £20m green superstore
Supermarket chain Asda is to try out wind turbines, solar panels and ground source heat pumps at a £20m store in Merseyside
Howard Shiplee lands top job to deliver London Games
ODA hires project manager behind Ascot racecourse as 2012 Olympics' construction director