Second woman to hold post will begin two-year tenure on 1 September

Angela Brady will begin her two-year tenure as president of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) on 1 September, taking over from Ruth Reed.

Ms Brady is director of London-based Brady Mallalieu Architects, which specialises in contemporary sustainable design. She is also Ambassador for the Government Equality Office, advisor to the British Council, visiting critic and external examiner for a number of UK and Irish universities, and enabler for the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE).

She will be the 74th RIBA President, and the second woman to hold the post.

Ms Brady said she was 鈥渄elighted and honoured鈥 to take on the job, and said she would work to highlight the importance of well-designed buildings to politicians and the public.

She added: 鈥淚 am particularly delighted to be in office during 2012 - a time when we will be showcasing some of the very best of British architecture and design talent on a world stage at the London Olympics.

鈥淎s former design champion for the London Development Agency Board and daughter of a past Olympic competitor (my Dad competed in 1968 and 1972), I will be honoured to be RIBA president at this time and proud that the UK is delivering fantastic sustainable regeneration that will benefit our country during the Games and for many years to come.鈥