It may resemble a restoration project, but this 13th-century castle in France is being built from scratch entirely by hand, using medieval techniques, horse power and materials sourced from local quarries and forests

Guedelon castle8

Source: Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon

Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon as it is today, after 21 years of construction work

There can鈥檛 be many construction sites in the world where quarrymen hew rocks out of the ground with hammers and chisels, where builders wear woollen smocks, where measurements are taken in cubits, and where raw materials are moved around by horse and cart. But then Gu茅delon castle is no ordinary construction site. 

Deep in a forest in northern Burgundy, just over 100 miles south of Paris, this is a building project like nothing else you鈥檒l witness. Using only medieval construction methods and medieval-style tools, a team of 16 stonemasons, seven carpenters, four blacksmiths, three lumberjacks, three carters, a tiler, a potter and various other craftsmen and -women are building a 13th-century castle entirely by hand. No electric tools, no cranes and no lorries, with virtually all materials sourced on site. 

But there鈥檚 another crucial difference between Gu茅delon and a modern construction site: here, visitors are encouraged to interact with the builders while they work. The growing castle attracts about 300,000 visitors a year, bringing in 鈧5m annually, which finances the entire project.

Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon and its surrounding site is owned by a private company, with chief executive Maryline Martin at the helm. 鈥淲e call it experimental archeology,鈥 she says of her mammoth project. 鈥淓ssentially, that means we鈥檙e constructing a 13th-century castle in order to understand medieval building methods.鈥 Or as the brochure states: 鈥淕u茅delon sheds light on mysteries of the medieval world.鈥

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Source: Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon

Construction materials are transported by horse and cart

Labour of love

Guedelon castle Master-mason-Florian-Renucci

Source: Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon

Master mason Florian Renucci

It鈥檚 certainly a labour of love. Construction started way back in 1998 鈥 the brainchild of Michel Guyot, the owner of a nearby renaissance castle 鈥 and probably won鈥檛 finish for another dozen or so years. So far, two of the exterior curtain walls are in place, as is the main hall, the chapel, the kitchen, the guardrooms, the bases of the four towers and some of the crenellated walkways that join them together. But there鈥檚 still plenty of work to complete on the gatehouse, the great tower and the portcullis. 

Florian Renucci is Gu茅delon鈥檚 master mason, a medieval version of architect and project manager rolled into one. 鈥淲e鈥檙e in the business of research,鈥 he explains when asked why he and his colleagues were crazy enough to embark on such a punishing enterprise. 鈥淭he goal is to find out what traditional architecture was like in the Middle Ages, before the industrial revolution. At the same time, we want to teach builders how to work with traditional tools and materials, and we want to show our visitors how it鈥檚 all done. So not only are we builders, but we鈥檙e archaeologists and teachers too.鈥 

Guedelon castle C-31-漏-Cle虂ment-Gue虂rard---La-galerie-en-bois

Source: Cl茅ment Gu茅rard

The roof arches are made of timber cut by hand from the surrounding forest

The site for this castle (some would say gargantuan folly) was chosen back in the mid-1990s, close to Michel Guyot鈥檚 existing castle. Most important was a quarry to provide clay for roof and floor tiles, sand for mortar and a massive 10,000m3 of sandstone for the castle walls. The 12ha of surrounding forest provides wood for the roof timbers and fuel to fire the kilns. The entire site was bought for 6,500 francs. (This was just before the introduction of the euro.)

Key to Gu茅delon鈥檚 authenticity is a committee of archaeologists, architects and historians who, throughout the project, have ensured the works remain true to the mid-1200s. Their research is based on existing buildings from the period, as well as medieval manuscripts, documents and even stained-glass windows.

Authenticity is something with which Maryline is rather obsessed. 鈥淎t first, people didn鈥檛 understand what we were doing, and were even aggressive towards us,鈥 she says. 鈥淭hey said we were cheating.鈥 She describes how, in the early days, suspicious locals would spy on her workers from the surrounding forest, convinced that once the daily visitors had departed, power tools would appear from hiding places.  

As the years passed, however, the critics came on side. They realised the techniques being employed were genuinely medieval: stone quarried by hammer and chisel; walls of outbuildings built of wattle and daub; terracotta roof tiles fired in kilns; ropes made of flax and hemp; hand-hewn roof beams.

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Source: Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon

All the tools in use are true to the historical period

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Source: Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon

The forerunner to the modern crane

On 13th-century building sites, the heaviest loads were lifted by a device known as a treadmill winch. A bit like a hamster wheel, it featured one or two vertical wheels on a central axis. Human operators would walk inside the wheels, hoisting loads of up to 600kg as they turned them. The winches could be dismantled and reassembled as the building progressed. Gu茅delon鈥檚 treadmill winches are identical to their medieval versions except for the modern pulleys, central axes and ropes, which comply with 21st-century healthy and safety regulations.


Source: Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon

All the sandstone used on the castle walls is hewn by hand from the adjoining quarry

Downing tools for the winter

The castle鈥檚 44 full-time construction workers are on site from March to November. They work long hours during the season and have paid time off over the winter, when frost makes it impossible to work with the non-hydraulic lime mortar. (There was no modern cement in the 13th century, of course.) All are paid substantially more than France鈥檚 minimum wage.

For anyone familiar with modern construction sites, Gu茅delon is a museum curiosity. Instead of roaring drills and angle grinders, there鈥檚 the gentle tapping of chisel on sandstone. Instead of lorry diesel fumes, there鈥檚 the whinnying of the three cart-horses, Paloma, Tyrolienne and Arpege.

鈥淚t鈥檚 a real pleasure, working here without noisy machines,鈥 says Renucci. 鈥淚t鈥檚 a luxury, not working with toxic products, dust, noise pollution and the fog of chemicals. I鈥檓 sure the Filipinos on Dubai construction sites don鈥檛 enjoy the same conditions we do.鈥

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Source: Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon

Masons laboriously finish each stone

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Source: Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon

Another mason works on the sandstone

Baptiste Fabre is one of the project鈥檚 stonemasons. Trained in heritage restoration, he has worked at Gu茅delon for six years. Surely he occasionally gets frustrated at the glacial progress of the project, especially when he imagines electric tools achieving in 10 minutes what normally takes him 10 hours?

鈥淚 have a real sensibility for traditional techniques,鈥 he says. 鈥淏etween chiselling by hand and using an electric drill, I鈥檇 prefer to do it by hand, even if I worked on a modern building site. You can鈥檛 compare a traditional mason like me to a modern mason. They鈥檙e completely different fields. It鈥檚 like comparing a doctor of cardiology to a doctor of neurology. If you put me on a modern building site, I鈥檇 be completely lost.鈥

Despite all the medieval reenactment, Gu茅delon is still subject to modern construction regulations. There鈥檚 one telephone in the castle, for example 鈥 a legal requirement in case of emergency. The wooden scaffold poles are held with modern metal fixings. Some of the cordage, straps and pulleys on the winches are industrially produced. The workers may be dressed in smocks but, as Renucci explains, they have to wear steel-toecapped boots and hard hats (concealed beneath straw hats or a beige cloth). The masons require safety glasses. 

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Source: Ch芒teau de Gu茅delon

The scaffolding is wooden, as it would have been in the Middle Ages. But modern building regulations insist the poles are secured with modern metal fixings

Guedelon castle S-21-漏-Cle虂ment-Gue虂rard---Tito-au-travers-de-l'oculus-de-la-fene虃tre-gothique

Source: Cl茅ment Gu茅rard

Construction on the windows

Travelling 800 years back in time has posed many challenges for Renucci and his colleagues. The first, he explains, was psychological. 鈥淚n construction, the automatic reflex nowadays is to order stuff online. We had to forget all about ordering materials or tools from China. That change of mindset took some doing.鈥

There were technical hurdles to overcome too. Lifting machinery includes anachronistic wooden devices such as hand-winches, capstans, sheer legs and treadmills (see 鈥淭he forerunner to the modern crane鈥, page 39). Rain poses problems for the stonework, so workers had to be very canny with guttering and drainage.

To set the castle stones, they had to learn how to make and use the non-hydraulic lime mortar which, in the 21st century, is a complete anachronism. And the quarrymen had to learn how to read the colour of the sandstone before they started breaking it up to save themselves weeks of extra labour.

To fire the clay roof and floor tiles, tilers needed a working medieval kiln. 鈥淲e went to London to see an old one in the British Museum,鈥 Renucci remembers. Even then, they had to experiment many times to get the correct technique.

Twenty-one years into the build, however, and progress is smoother than ever. Maryline envisages the castle topping out around 2030. But after that there will be the interiors, the windows, furniture and furnishings to complete; all completed using medieval methods, of course. There鈥檚 even talk of building a medieval village and church, and a training centre for traditional construction techniques.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 think I鈥檒l live to see the end of this project,鈥 Maryline says, who is 59 years old. 鈥淲e鈥檙e far from finishing our adventure.鈥

Dominic Bliss travelled to ch芒teau de Gu茅delon courtesy of Burgundy Tourism. The castle, which is near a village called Moutiers-en-Puisaye, is open to the public from March to November.