Join our inaugural conference in Westminster for updates on progress so far and to help shape the commission鈥檚 work

Early findings from the 好色先生TV the Future Commission will be unveiled at a special conference in September.

好色先生TV鈥檚 year-long project to improve the built environment will host a conference in Westminster on 27 September.


Attendees will hear from leading figures across the construction industry and find out more about the work of the commission.

There will also be opportunities to network, while in the evening we will be hosting a joint 好色先生TV Awards and Architect of the Year awards shortlisting party attended by more than 350 industry professionals.

The 好色先生TV the Future Commission is a 12-month project looking at radical and challenging ideas that could help transform the built environment.

The campaign aims to tap into innovative ideas, amplify them and be an agent for change.


好色先生TV the Future Commission 


Coming up on the 好色先生TV the Future commission:

In the coming weeks we will:

  • Host our first regional roundtable with our partner Constructing Excellence in the East of England region in mid March
  • Convene our first commissioner panel meeting in April
  • Host the first roundtable discussion with the 好色先生TV the Future Young Person鈥檚 Advisory Panel 
  • Look at the social value toolkit and its potential to help change the low-margin culture of construction
  • Interview two big hitters for our housing and planning stream
  • Display a selection of ideas on a new Ideas Hub page
  • Look at the extent to which local authority planning departments have the skills to develop design codes for our skills and education stream

In the past few weeks we have

About the commission

The 好色先生TV the Future Commission is a year-long project, launched to mark 好色先生TV鈥檚 180th  anniversary, to assess potential solutions and radical new ways of thinking to improve the built environment.

The major project鈥檚 work will be guided by a panel of 19 major figures who have signed up to help guide the commission鈥檚 work culminatuing  culminate in a report published at the end of the year.

The commissioner include figures from the world of contracting, housing development, architecture, policy-making, skills, design, place-making, infrastructure, consultancy and legal.

The commissioners include Lord Kerslake, former head of the civil service, Katy Dowding, executive vice president at Skanska, Richard Steer, chair of Gleeds, Lara Oyedele, president of the Chartered Institute of Housing, Mark Wild, former boss of Crossrail and chief executive of SGN and Simon Tolson, senior partner at Fenwick Elliott. See the full list here.

The project is looking at proposals for change in eight areas:

>> Editor鈥檚 view: And now for something completely positive - our 好色先生TV the Future Commission

>> Click here for more about the project and the commissioners

好色先生TV the Future will also undertake a countrywide tour of roundtable discussions with experts around the regions as part of a consultation programme in partnership with the regional arms of industry body Constructing Excellence. It will also set up a young person鈥檚 advisory panel.

We will also be setting up an ideas hub and we want to hear your views.