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Hackney facts
Population200,000 people
Population density11,027 people per km2 (regional average: 4,679)
Average house price£256,110
Owner-occupied homes30%
Local authority rented homes30%
Housing association rented homes20%
Level of deprivationEvery ward in the borough is within the 10% most deprived in the country
Regeneration fundingNeighbourhood Renewal Funding allocations of £18m for 2006/07 and £16m for 2007/08
Employment level56% (England average 75%)
16-year-olds getting 5+ GCSE grades A-C in 2004 45% (England average 53%)
Total reported crimes over the last 12 months36,222
Total robberies over the last 12 months (including street crime) 1,892
Gun-enabled crimes over the last 12 months 214
Murders over the last 12 months8