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Cast Study #1
  element cost (£)
Rear projection system 23 000
LCD projector, single-lens type with wide angle, short throw lens,  
mounting bracket 10 000
Projection mirror 3 000
Rear projection screen, 1.5 × 1.1 m (wide-angle type, fresnel lens) 3 500
Amplifer, equipment rack, video recorder/player, data switcher and interfaces 6 500
Video conference system 8 000
View station unit, installed above rear projection screen,  
with boundary microphone system and wide-angle digital camera 8 000
Audio equipment 1 000
Power amplifier 400
Two wall-mounted power speakers, two ceiling speakers 600
Control system 10 000
10-inch colour touch screen, wireless control panel 6 000
Integrated control system, two-way remote receiver spectrum 2 500
Lighting control: programmable dimmer unit, manual lighting control panel 1 000
Blind control interface 500
System design, installation, user manuals, training 4 000
Total cost 46 000
Case Study #2
  element cost (£)
Cardio theatre 28 550
42-inch plasma screen, wall-mounted, four @ £5500 22 000
Controller and amplifier 3 000
Cardio theatre kits, 20 @ £100 2 000
Head sets, 50 @ £6 300
Video cassette recorders, two @ £375 750
Digital satellite decoders, two @ £250 500
Foreground music system 1 590
Digital mixer 1 200
Amplifier 600
Digital radio turner, two @ £500 1 000
Multi CD player 175
Zone volume control, four @ £50 200
Paging microphone 150
Transformers 100
Loudspeakers 1 590
Ceiling-mounted speakers, 12 @ £80 960
Loudspeakers to health and beauty rooms, spa and changing  
room, seven @ £90 630
Aerobics system 1 900
CD player, cassette deck, television with built in VCR, radio microphone,  
wristband remote control 1 500
Loudspeakers, four @ £100 400
Passive information screen 13 500
42-inch plasma screen, wall-mounted 5 500
Equipment rack, installation and commissioning 8 000
Total 50 000
Case Study #3
  element cost (£)
42-inch plasma screen, wall mounted, 12 @ £5500 66 000
Image controller 10 000
MPEG 2 media player, DVD player, satellite receiver, VCR, source switcher, audio distribution amplifier 4 000
Installation, integration and commissioning 7 500
Total 87 500
Exclusions: containment works; small power works; bespoke joinery items such as lectern; blackout facilities; maintenance
Cast Study #4
  element cost (£)
Front projection system 16 000
Video/data projector with ceiling mount 15 000
Front projection screen, 2 × 1.5 m 1 000
Video conference system 29 150
Video conference codec 9 000
Matrix switcher 12 000
Scan converter 3 000
Visualiser 2 500
Video conference camera 1 250
Lectern display monitor 800
Video recorder 600
Audio equipment 18 600
Audio conference controller (microphone mixer), two @ £5 000 10 000
Matrix signal router 2 500
Table-mounted microphones, 15 @ £200 3 000
Lectern microphone 350
Ceiling loudspeakers, six @ £50 300
Front-of-house loudspeakers, two @ £275 550
Induction loop amplifier 500
Graphic equalisers, two @ £500 1 000
Power amplifier 400
Control and interfacing 10 500
LCD colour touch screen 3 500
Universal computer interface, six @ £500 3 000
Control system rack, motorised blinds, lighting dimmer and fire alarm  
interfaces, remote keyboard commander and so on 4 000
Other hardware 12 500 12 500
Equipment rack, audio and video patch panels, connection panels, cabling 5 000
Installation and commissioning 7 500
Total cost 87 000