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Whole-life cost summary for three model buildings over 25 years
    40,000 ft2     100,000 ft2     200,000 ft2
Total cost (拢) Cost 拢/ft2 % of total cost Total cost (拢) Cost 拢/ft2 % of total cost Total cost (拢) Cost 拢/ft2 % of total cost
Capital cost 3,536,000     8,566,000     23,600,000    
Less capital allowance 328,848     796,638     2,194,800    
Sub-total 3,431,653 85.79 11.84 7,769,362 77.69 13.58 21,405,200 114.52 19.19
M&E maintenance 2,142,450 53.56 7.39 3,174,000 31.74 5.18 5,819,000 29.10 4.88
Lifts 55,650 1.39 0.19 111,300 1.113 0.18 166,950 0.83 0.14
Fabric 526,000 13.15 1.81 1,315,000 13.15 2.15 2,630,000 13.15 2.20
Finance 5,136,259 128.41 17.72 12,442,646 124.43 20.32 34,280,464 171.40 28.73
External land 206,412 5.16 0.71 353,205 3.53 0.58 635,250 3.18 0.53
Internal planting 156,870 3.92 0.54 325,290 3.25 0.53 598,986 2.99 0.50
Cleaning 1,262,400 31.56 4.35 3,156,000 31.56 5.15 6,312,000 31.56 5.29
Waste 80,850 2.02 0.28 206,588 2.07 0.34 420,000 2.10 0.35
Electricity 2,385,960 59.65 8.23 5,964,900 59.65 9.74 11,929,800 59.65 10.00
Gas 185,850 4.65 0.64 464,625 4.65 0.76 929,250 4.65 0.78
Water 128,400 3.21 0.44 321,000 3.21 0.52 642,000 3.21 0.54
Reception service 850,080 21.25 2.93 850,080 8.50 1.39 1,275,120 6.38 1.07
Communications 3,224,558 80.61 11.12 4,372,476 43.72 7.14 5,417,341 27.09 4.54
Postroom 398,160 9.95 1.37 770,070 7.70 1.26 833,400 4.17 0.70
Porterage 398,160 9.95 1.37 770,070 7.70 1.26 1,087,600 5.44 0.91
Internal moves 4,915,680 122.89 16.96 12,560,520 125.61 20.52 25,536,000 127.68 21.40
Security 1,605,240 40.13 5.54 3,210,480 32.10 5.24 4,815,720 24.08 4.04
Catering 2,234,498 55.86 7.71 4,730,939 47.31 7.73 5,114,063 25.57 4.29
Management 1,203,750 30.09 4.15 2,006,250 20.06 3.28 3,210,000 16.05 2.69
Replacement 1,890,766 47.27 6.52 4,117,241 41.17 6.73 7,670,912 38.35 6.43
Total 28,987,993 724.70 100 61,222,679 612.23 100 119,323,856 596.62 100.00
Cost 拢/ft2 724.70     612.23     596.62    
Population 308     787     1,600    
Cost/head 94,211     77,753     74,577    
Comparison of service provision in the three sizes of office
40,000 ft2 100,000 ft2 200,000 ft2
308 occupants 787 occupants 1600 occupants
M&E maintenance All planned and reactive mechanical and electrical maintenance 鈥 one resident engineer and a 鈥渕ate鈥 All planned and reactive mechanical and electrical maintenance 鈥 one resident engineer and a 鈥渕ate鈥 All planned and reactive mechanical and electrical maintenance 鈥 working site manager, two resident engineers
Lifts Two hydraulic lifts Four hydraulic lifts Six hydraulic lifts
Fabric All reactive fabric maintenance All reactive fabric maintenance All reactive fabric maintenance
External land Soft and hard landscape maintenance Soft and hard landscape maintenance Soft and hard landscape maintenance
Internal planting Maintenance of internal plants 鈥 planting to reception, lift lobbies, corridors and sporadically through office Maintenance of internal plants 鈥 planting to reception, lift lobbies, corridors and sporadically through office Maintenance of internal plants 鈥 planting to reception, lift lobbies, corridors and sporadically through office
Cleaning Accommodation and window cleaning of offices. Monday to Friday plus periodics Accommodation and window cleaning of offices Monday to Friday plus periodics Accommodation and window cleaning of offices Monday to Friday plus periodics
Reception service Two receptionists Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm Two receptionists Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm Three receptionists Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm
Communications Calls and line rental Calls and line rental Calls and line rental
Postroom One postroom operative Monday to Friday Two postroom operatives Monday to Friday Two postroom operatives Monday to Friday
Porterage One porter Monday to Friday Two porters Monday to Friday Three porters Monday to Friday
Internal moves Based on churn rate of 60% Based on churn rate of 60% Based on churn rate of 60%
Security 24-hour security 24-hour security 24-hour security
Catering Subsidised catering plus corporate entertaining Subsidised catering plus corporate entertaining Subsidised catering plus corporate entertaining
Management One resident facilities manager One resident facilities manager and assistant One resident facilities manager and two assistants
25-year occupancy costs for 33 Old Broad Street compared with the 200,000 ft2 model
200,000 ft2 model 拢 OBS 拢 Reason for differences in cost
M&E maintenance 5,819,000 13,825,000 High-tech uninterruptible power supply at Old Broad Street. Also significant plant for enormous atrium
Lifts 166,950 1,100,000  
Fabric 2,630,000 1,000,000  
Finance 34,280,464 na  
External land 635,250 na  
Internal planting 598,986 137,500  
Cleaning 6,312,000 9,951,136 Higher requirements from merchant banks 鈥 prestige clients demand high requirements
Waste 420,000 775,000  
Electricity 11,929,800 13,800,000  
Gas 929,250 300,000  
Water 642,000 500,000  
Reception services 1,275,120 1,325,000  
Communications 5,417,341 na  
Postroom 833,400 4,829,545 Multi-tenancy buildings 鈥 therefore more postrooms
Porterage 1,087,600 1,590,909 As above
Internal moves 25,536,000 6,676,136  
Security 4,815,720 10,672,727 Merchant banks are extremely security-conscious
Catering 5,114,063 na  
Management 3,210,000 9,647,727 Multi-tenancy buildings have greater management requirements
Replacement 7,670,912 7,659,032 Same costs assumed. No information about Halifax available
Total 119,323,856 83,789,714  
Detailed specification for 40,000 and 100,000 ft2 buildings
Foundations Reinforced concrete foundations
Ground-floor slabs Reinforced concrete floor slabs. Power floated finish
First, second and plant room floor slabs Precast concrete planks with structural topping or insitu concrete on permanent formwork. First, second and plant room floor slabs give one-hour fire resistance
Structure Internal steel frame, generally on a 6 and 7.5 脳 6 m grid, supporting upper floors, roof framing and plant room floor slabs
External walls Cavity wall construction up to sill level. Outer skin of facing brickwork, inner skin of blockwork with rigid extruded polystyrene cavity insulation. Reconstructed stone to window sills and heads
Windows and doors Sealed unit double glazing with clear glass in polyester powder-coated aluminium frames
Roof Resin-bonded reconstituted slates on timber battens, insulation and timber trussed rafters. Polyester powder coated aluminium gutters and external downpipes
Stairs Reception stairs precast concrete with screeded landings. Balustrades in coated tubular steel, hardwood handrails
Internal partitions All partitions in concrete block
Ceiling Suspended ceiling system comprising 600 脳 600 mm mineral fibre ceiling tiles
Internal joinery Hardwood veneer, flush-lipped solid core doors. Polished aluminium ironmongery. Hardwood skirtings, sill boards, door linings and architraves
Lifts Electrically operated eight-person hydraulic lifts with stainless steel doors, surround and control panels
Sanitary fittings White vitreous WCs and wash basins
Floor finishes Medium-grade metal-faced full access flooring (250 mm overall floor zone) to office and corridor areas. Carpet finish high quality
Wall finishes Plaster finishes or plasterboard drylining with joints taped and filled to general areas. One mist and two full coats of emulsion
Power Wiring to and installing of three compartment floor boxes at a rate of 1 box/10 m2 net floor area and busbar power distribution system
Lighting Based on 1994 CIBSE Guide for Offices at 450 lux at 0.75 musing 600 脳 600 mm recessed modular fluorescent luminaries. The lighting scheme is based on open-plan offices
Heating Gas-fired boiler in each plant room provides low pressure hot water for heating
Above-ground drainage PVC soil vent waste pipework
Ventilation Air-conditioning of office area using a VAV system with fresh air supplied via ducted system
WCs A roof void mounted, packaged twin-fan extract unit
Hot and cold water services Hot water to basins provided by central storage heaters, other hot and cold water services as suitable
Below-ground drainage Flexible, jointed, vitrified clay or concrete pipework
External works Includes access road, plot road and parking aisles. Concrete block paviours to all roads. Bitumen macadam to car bays. Footpath in concrete block paviours. Full landscaping. External irrigation system. External car park lighting
Detailed specification for 200,000 ft2 buildings
Foundations Piled foundations and reinforced concrete ground beams, basement car park
Ground-floor slabs Reinforced concrete floor slabs. Power floated finish
First, second and plant room floor slabs Precast concrete planks with structural topping or insitu concrete on permanent formwork. First, second and plant room floor slabs give one-hour fire resistance
Structure Internal steel frame, generally on a 6 and 7.5 脳 6 m grid, supporting upper floors, roof framing and plant room floor slabs
External walls Reconstructed stonework panels with aluminium-framed curtain-walling system
Windows and doors Sealed unit double glazing with clear glass in polyester powder-coated aluminium frames
Roof Flat roof construction comprising single-ply membrane on insulation
Stairs Stairs precast concrete with screeded landings. Balustrades generally tubular stainless steel with hardwood handrails
Internal partitions All partitions in concrete blockwork to core areas
Ceiling Suspended ceiling system comprising 600 脳 600 mm metal ceiling tiles
Internal joinery Hardwood veneer, flush-lipped, solid core doors. Polished aluminium ironmongery. Hardwood skirtings, sill boards, door linings and architraves
Lifts Glazed feature lifts to main entrance area. Electrically operated eight-person hydraulic lifts with stainless steel doors
Sanitary fittings White vitreous WCs and hand basins
Floor finishes Medium-grade metal-faced full access flooring (250 mm overall floor zone) to office and corridor areas. Carpet finish high quality. Reception areas to comprise high-quality ceramic tile finish
Wall finishes Plaster finishes or plasterboard drylining with joints taped and filled to general areas. One mist and two full coats of emulsion
Power Wiring to and installing of three compartment floor boxes at a rate of 1 box/10 m2 net floor area and busbar power distribution system
Lighting Based on the 1994 CIBSE Guide for Offices at 450 lux at 0.75 m using 600 脳 600 mm recessed modular fluorescent luminaries
Heating Gas-fired boiler in each plant room provides low-pressure hot water for the heating
Above-ground drainage PVC soil vent waste pipework
Ventilation Air-conditioning of office area using a VAV system with fresh air supplied via ducted system
WCs A roof void mounted, packaged twin-fan extract unit
Remaining specs as for 40,000 ft2 and 100,000 ft2 buildings