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Cladding and coverings
UnitSoutheast £Midlands £East Anglia £
Patent glazing
Powder-coated aluminium alloy framing, glazing bars at 600 mm centres, single-glazed with clear toughened glassm2230.00200.00210.00
Metal-profiled cladding
Single layer plastic-coated profiled steel uninsulated cladding:
Roof coveringm216.0014.0015.00
Wall claddingm211.50010.0010.50
Flashing to ridge, 800 mm girthm20.0017.5018.50
PVCu-coated profiled steel roof covering, insulation, vapour barrier, profiled metal-lining panelm224.0019.0022.00
Colour-coated steel pre-insulated panel roof covering, polyester-coated lining sheetm227.0024.0026.00
Colour-coated steel, standing seam, site-assembled composite cladding, insulation, enamelled aluminium inner liningm2150.00130.00140.00
Clay/concrete roof tiling
Clay plain roof tiles, machine-made, battens, underlaym239.0034.0036.00
Eaves course with guard stripm6.005.005.50
Concrete slates, 30 × 30 mm, battens, underlaym226.022.023.5
Universal angle hip tile, sealing strip, slates cut to rakem44.038.040.0
Concrete interlocking tiles, 330 × 270 mm, battens, underlay, counterbattensm225.0021.0023.00
Dry hip systemm40.0034.0037.00
Concrete flat interlocking slates, 418 × 334 mm, battens, underlay, counterbattensm225.0021.0023.00
Dry verge systemm18.0016.0017.00
Lead sheet covering/flashings
Code 4
Flashing, 150 mm girthm21.5018.5020.00
Gutter, 550 mm girthm32.0028.0030.00
Code 5
Flashing, 150 mm girthm23.0020.0021.50
Stepped flashing, 250 mm girthm37.0032.0035.00
Price changes
ONS statistics have recorded the following price changes over the year June 2002 to June 2003:
Sand and gravel+3.8%
Crushed rock+1.0%
Ready-mixed concrete+8.2%
Clay bricks and tiles+4.0%
Precast concrete tiles, bricks, etc+3.9%
Lead and zinc–2.5%
Imported tropical hardwoods+2.1%
Timber windows and doors+1.3%
Veneer sheets (plywood, laminboard, particle board, fibreboard, etc.)–2.3%
Plastic floor, wall or ceiling coverings–4.3%
Flat glass+7.8%
Cast-iron tubes and fittings+3.2%
Copper pipes and fittings–3.1%
Electricity distribution and control apparatus+2.3%
Insulated wires and cables–4.8%
Coated roadstone+7.1%
Bituminous mixtures+5.2%
Imported base metals
Key Indicators
% change June 2002-June 2003
Retail Prices Index
Headline rate (RPI)+2.9
All items, excluding mortgage interest payments (RPIX) – government’s target index+2.8
All items, excluding mortgage interest payments and indirect taxes (RPIY)+2.7
Harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) +1.1
Industry generally
Materials and fuels purchased by manufacturing industry +1.9
of which materials +2.3
and fuel –0.9
Materials and fuels purchased by manufacturing industry excluding food, beverages, tobacco and petroleum industries+1.1
Output prices of manufactured products +1.1
Output prices of manufactured products excluding food, beverages, tobacco and petroleum +1.1
Construction industry
Construction materials+2.5
Housebuilding materials+1.8
Machinery and equipment (UK manufacture)+0.4
Electrical machinery and apparatus (UK manufacture) –0.3
Source: Office for National Statistics (June 2003 figures provisional)
Notes: The ONS category of “Machinery and Equipment” includes mechanical engineering items such as pumps, taps, valves, lifts, cooling and ventilation equipment. “Electrical machinery and apparatus” includes electrical engineering materials such as electricity distribution and control apparatus, wires and cables and lighting equipment.
All-in hourly rates
Craft operativeGeneral operative
£ per wk£ June 2002-June 2003£ per wk£ June 2002-June 2003
Wages at standard basic rate, productive time44.3 wks299.13 13,251.46 225.03 9,968.83
Lost time allowance0.9 wks299.13 2,69.22 225.03 202.53
Overtime5.8 wks448.70 2,602.43 337.55 1,957.76
16,123.11 1,2129.12
Travelling allowance (25 km)226 days1.71 386.46 1.71 386.46
Fare allowance (25 km)226 days4.61 1,041.86 4.61 1,041.86
Holiday Pay (incl. overtime allowance)
Annual holidays4.2 wks356.71 1,498.16 268.34 1,127.04
Public holidays1.6 wks356.71 570.73 268.34 429.35
National Insurance (average weekly payment)48 wks32.63 1,566.24 21.98 1,055.04
Employer's contribution to
EasyBuild Stakeholder Pension52 wks5.00 260.00 5.00 260.00
CITB Allowance (0.50% of payroll)98.10 75.57
21,544.66 16,504.44
Severance pay and sundry costsplus1.5%323.17 1.5%247.57
21,867.83 16,752.01
Employer's liability and third-party insuranceplus2.0%437.36 2.0% 335.04
Total cost per year22,305.19 17,087.05
Total cost per hour 11.42 8.75
No additional rates for skill or responsibility have been included in the calculations above.
Assumptions within above calculation:
Five days sickness allowed
Time lost for inclement weather: 2%
Number of productive hours a year: 1954
National Insurance at not-contracted-out standard rate
Minimum employer contribution to the EasyBuild pension scheme rose from £1.90 a week to £2.50 a week from 4 August.
The above calculation assumes a £5 a week contribution, matching a £5 employee contribution. From 4 August employee and matching employer contributions can range between £2.51 and £7.50 per week.