Ashley Pigott

  • Ashley Pigott

    Duty of care: Just desserts?


    When the sign above a London cafe collapsed, causing serious injury, the finger was pointed at the shopfitter and building owner’s surveyor. But how far does the duty of care extend?

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    Mr Jackson's justice


    Up until now, PFI contracts have contained clauses intended to separate contractors from their statutory rights. This is not lawful

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    A poisoned chalice


    If a contractor offers to ‘accelerate’ work on a delayed job the employer should be aware that it may involve giving away a lot of money and legal protections

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    No quick fix


    Reports that Lafarge may have supplied faulty cement raise a host of problems for suppliers and contractors that face legal claims – or want to pass them on

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    It’s so unfair


    A court will overrule an adjudicator who has breached the rules of natural justice. An engineer acting under an ICE contract is under no such restrictions …

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    He knew he was right


    Construction management has failed several Arts Council projects and now the Scottish parliament. Of course, if those clients had just listened in the first place …

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    The accidental jurist


    If a party makes a mistake about what it is agreeing to, what are its chances of wriggling out? The Appeal Court has just made a controversial ruling on this point

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    Last lessons from the Harmon affair


    The audit office has delivered its verdict on a parliamentary farce – and it make very uncomfortable reading.

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    Silence isn't golden


    You might not be in agreement with someone, but are you in dispute? It's an old issue, and the precedents are confusing – just make sure you speak up

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    To D&B or not to D&B?


    The Arts Council persists in using construction management as its preferred procurement route for theatre projects despite its time and cost uncertainties. Why?

  • Features

    The case for the plaintiff


    Harmon knew something was fishy about the job, but it needed a lot of courage and money to take on the House of Commons. Here, Harmon's solicitor explains what happened.