BRE and Ecobuild present two winning research papers on wellbeing and the built environement


ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTVs are not genuinely sustainable unless the occupants are comfortable, happy and productive.

Understanding the link between the physical environment and social outcomes is essential to ensure buildings are genuinely sustainable and is a growing research theme in building science.

BRE and Ecobuild partnered to launch a research programme focussed on the impact of the built environment on wellbeing. This included a competition to find the best recent research into wellbeing.

The winners were announced in a session on wellbeing in the design seminar stream at Ecobuild on 4 March 2014.

The winners were:

 A Case Study of BIT–Kit: A Method Uncovering the Impact ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTVs have on People, by Dr Lesley McIntyre, research assistant, Dundee University

 Creating strong communities: Measuring social sustainability in new housing development, by Professor Tim Dixon, Professor of Sustainable Futures in the Built Environment, University of Reading
