Unions warns of 鈥済rowing anger鈥 after 鈥渄erisory鈥 pay offer

Construction unions have warned of 鈥済rowing anger鈥 from workers after they rejected a 鈥渄erisory鈥 1.5% pay rise offer from contractors.

The Construction Industry Joint Council 鈥 which represents unions Unite and Ucatt and 500,000 workers 鈥 said they wanted a pay offer that reflected the increased cost of living.

The unions claimed rank and file protests outside the pay talks demonstrated 鈥済rowing anger鈥 among workers.

John Allott, national officer for Unite, said: 鈥淓mployers are disgracefully asking construction workers to accept what is in real terms a pay cut.

鈥淏osses keep on demanding more work while thinking they can get away without paying a fair rate.

鈥淐onstruction workers with bills to pay and families to feed are rightly angry and employers need to think again.

鈥淲e will be consulting with our members over the next steps in our campaign to get fair pay in line with the cost of living.鈥