Turbines installed in Europe will increase capacity to almost 85GW

The supply of renewable energy generated by wind is expected to increase by 13% by the end of 2010, according to new figures.

The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) predicts that 10GW of new wind power capacity to be installed across Europe this year, taking the total installed capacity to almost 85GW.

鈥淲e predict another strong year for wind turbine installations in Europe, repeating the high level achieved in 2009,鈥 said Christian Kjaer, chief executive of EWEA. 鈥淲hat is encouraging is that, unlike in 2009, the 2010 results consist of orders placed after the start of the financial crisis. This shows continued and strong investor confidence in the technology.鈥

Kjaer added that it鈥檚 too early to say whether, for a third year running, there will be more wind energy capacity installed than any other electricity generating technology, but it is clear that wind energy will be competing for the top spot with new gas power plants.

This year will see more installations in offshore wind power, with up to 1 GW of new capacity expected to be installed during the year compared to 577 MW installed in 2009.

EWEA expects France and Italy to install around 1 GW each in 2010. The expected decline in installations in Spain will be more than compensated for by a doubling of installations in the new member states 鈥 led by Romania and Bulgaria - and significant growth in the UK, particularly offshore. Germany is expected to be the largest market this year, closely followed by the UK.