Contractor and university fail to agree terms for graphene innovation centre

Rafael Vi帽oly Architects鈥 designs for Manchester's Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre

Rafael Vi帽oly Architects鈥 designs for Manchester University's Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre

Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre 2

Manchester University is seeking a new contractor for its Rafael Vi帽oly-designed graphene lab after commercial terms could not be agreed with first-choice Sir Robert McAlpine.

The Engineering Innovation Centre building, earmarked for Sackville Street in Manchester, is designed to complement the already completed National Graphene Institute by offering a base to pilot production of the ground-breaking tough materials and develop their commercial application.

Vi帽oly was appointed to design the centre early last year, and concept designs (see above and below) were unveiled in the autumn.

But this week the university confirmed it had been unable to agree on a cost for the project with SRM and was now working with another framework partner, Laing O鈥橰ourke.

Steve Jordan, the university鈥檚 assistant director of estates and head of its capital projects unit, said the impasse with SRM was 鈥渄isappointing鈥 but would not affect the firm鈥檚 place on the university鈥檚 eight-year framework.

鈥淭he university are being assisted by one of our other framework partners, Laing O鈥橰ourke, to develop a revised procurement plan for the project,鈥 he said.

鈥淭he partnership contractors are assisting us in identifying our next steps to deliver this exciting project鈥.

The university said it intended to award the contract for the centre鈥檚 construction this summer, ahead of a start on site later this year.

Laing O鈥橰ourke declined to comment. Sir Robert McAlpine has been contacted for comment.

Rafael Vi帽oly Architects鈥 designs for Manchester's Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre

Rafael Vi帽oly Architects鈥 designs for Manchester University鈥檚 Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre