Newcastle University鈥檚 拢50m National Innovation Centre will be first project tendered

A consortium of north-east universities has picked six contractors for a 拢750m construction framework.

The successful firms are: Clugston, Sir Robert McAlpine, Bam Construction, Bowmer and Kirkland, Galliford Try and Robertson.

The major works framework was organised by the North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium and covers Newcastle University, Durham University, Northumbria University, the University of Sunderland and Teesside University.

It is expected to deliver around 拢750m worth of higher education construction projects over the next six years.

The first project to be tendered will be Newcastle University鈥檚 拢50m National Innovation Centre (pictured), designed by GSS Architecture, which is due to commence construction in December this year.

The framework will be used for all projects worth more than 拢4m.

Frank Rowell, head of the consortium, said: 鈥淭his is the first time a higher education purchasing consortium has tendered a framework of this scale and complexity and demonstrates our ability to provide relevant and high-quality procurement resources to university estates departments. Our members are now able to access purchasing agreements that cover the majority of estates activity.鈥