Housebuilder has been picked to transform the Alton estate in Roehampton

Redrow has been picked to build a 1,000-home redevelopment of a south London estate.

The housebuilder was selected by Wandsworth council to transform the 17-acre Alton estate in Roehampton.

The work will include a library, health centre, children鈥檚 centre, shops, a park and 1,000 private and affordable homes, delivered over the next ten years.

Wandsworth council began its search last March for a development partner to replace post-war council housing in parts of the Alton estate.

Council tenants and owner-occupiers are guaranteed a newly-built home, which features several heritage-listed housing blocks and Victorian manor houses which border Richmond Park.

Ravi Govindia, leader of Wandsworth Council, said: 鈥淲e had some difficult decisions to make, but we are now off the starting blocks with this exciting redevelopment which has great potential and will deliver the homes that Wandsworth needs.鈥

John Tutte, chief executive at Redrow, said: Collectively, we now have an exciting opportunity to create a new, sustainable community in the Alton which will deliver considerable benefits to both existing and future generations.鈥