New clause seeks to bind government to comprehensive redevelopment of Euston station

Labour has tabled an amendment to the HS2 bill that if adopted would bind the government to a comprehensive redevelopment of Euston station.

Shadow transport secretary Lilian Greenwood and local MP Kier Starmer are among four MPs to put forward the clause, which would oblige the government to dramatically overhaul the whole of Euston station, rather than bolting on a small HS2 terminus to the existing tired 1960s station, which is client HS2 Ltd鈥檚 preferred option (picturedD) on cost grounds.

The HS2 bill, which begins its third reading in the Commons tomorrow (Wednesday), will contain a number of proposed changes from the preservation of bridleways to speed and noise limitations.

The proposed change on Euston states: 鈥淭he Secretary of State will require the nominated undertaker to take reasonable steps to develop integrated and comprehensive design and construction plans for Euston Station that include integration with other Euston Schemes.鈥

The clause states that any nominated undertaker such as HS2 or Network Rail would 鈥渄esign an enlarged HS2 Euston Station having regard to all relevant parts of the Euston Area Plan and any other relevant Opportunity Area Frameworks or Guidance.鈥漞ustoneuston

The clause clarifies that any 鈥淓uston schemes鈥 be deemed as an enlarged Euston Station and a rebuild of a new Euston main line station, over site development and any additional proposals such as Crossrail 2.