Labour leader made comments after visit to Mace site in City last week

Keir Starmer has said construction will be one of the sectors key to growing the wider economy under a Labour government.

The Labour leader was joined by shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves last week for a tour of the new HSBC headquarters, called Panorama St Pauls, being built in the City of London by Mace.

The 1980s block at 81 Newgate Street is the former home of BT but is being turned into a new headquarters for the banking giant once it moves out of Canary Wharf with the first staff due to move in next year.


Source: Labour Party

The Labour leader pictured recently at Mace鈥檚 Panorama St Pauls scheme with shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves

The visit took place a day after last week鈥檚 Budget 鈥 which was given a lukewarm response by the industry 鈥 and was intended to highlight the importance of the construction sector to Labour鈥檚 plans for the future of the UK economy.

鈥淪ites like Panorama St Paul鈥檚 show the potential of our economy and construction industry if we set the right conditions for growth,鈥 Starmer said. 鈥淏ut it鈥檚 clear we need to see that right across the country, if we鈥檙e to get the UK back on track and drive the growth and investment we so desperately need.鈥

Starmer pledged to tackle the industry鈥檚 skills shortage and said firms needed 鈥減roper support鈥 to do so: 鈥淎n incoming Labour government will overhaul the apprenticeship levy and implement a new 鈥榞rowth and skills鈥 levy to give them and their employers more freedom to develop their careers further. We鈥檒l create the conditions for growth and back apprentices on their journey to delivering the growth of the future.鈥

>> See also: HS2 fallout sees Labour and construction united by common aim

There are growing signs the industry is looking to Labour to help grow the economy and with it construction activity.

Richard Steer, the chair of Gleeds, said: 鈥淐onstruction and property are bellwether industrial sectors and our numbers make grim reading, with construction activity recording almost flat output levels in February after five months of falls. This is the core issue that the chancellor should have been addressing 鈥 how to inspire confidence, fan growth and improve productivity. This was a Budget to stop us bleeding out before the election, not a long-term recovery plan.鈥

Mace chief of staff Hannah Vickers, who accompanied Starmer on his visit, said: 鈥淲hat our industry is asking for are solid proposals to reform the planning system, give confidence in the infrastructure and construction pipeline, and in turn improve productivity across all nations and regions 鈥 which is why we welcome Labour鈥檚 plan to get Britain building again.鈥

Vistry chief executive Greg Fitzgerald said he will vote Labour for the first time at the next general election and in an interview with 好色先生TV said the planning system had to be fixed urgently. 鈥淧lanning absolutely needs to be sorted out. Planning is broken in this country.

鈥淔or the first time in my life, I鈥檓 going to vote Labour. I think Labour will, from what I鈥檝e heard and seen, take housing forward from the Conservatives [on] planning and affordable housing delivery. I think that they will look at it.鈥

Last year, Redrow founder Steve Morgan, a 拢1m-plus donor to the Tories under Boris Johnson鈥檚 leadership, called the government 鈥渁nti-housebuilding鈥.

Starmer has previously accused Rishi Sunak of giving in to Nimbys and Morgan said: 鈥淗e鈥檚 right. I can鈥檛 get my head round it. He鈥檚 right.鈥

Last week鈥檚 Budget underwhelmed many in the industry with Peter Hogg, UK cities director at Arcadis, admitting chancellor Jeremy Hunt鈥檚 speech contained 鈥渓ittle for the built-environment sector鈥.

And Mike Burton, land director at Hampshire housebuilder Metis Homes, said the budget was 鈥渞ather disappointing鈥 and 鈥渄id very little for the housing industry as a whole鈥, adding: 鈥淭he lack of any incentive for those trying to get onto the housing ladder is a great loss.鈥