Insurance giant to make 鈥檓ajority鈥 of staff redundant and cease new production at business

Insurance giant L&G is to stop production at its timber-frame modular housing factory seven years after setting it up and after racking up at least 拢174m of losses.

L&G had promised to build 3,500 homes a year from its plant in Sherburn-in-Elmet, near Selby in North Yorkshire, but today said it had 鈥渘ot been able to secure the necessary scale of pipeline鈥 to make the business a success and was beginning a redundancy consultation with all employees.

A statement from L&G Capital, the L&G subsidiary which owns the business, said it was 鈥減roposing to reduce business activity and cease new modular production鈥 at the 550,000 sq ft plant, and was therefore 鈥渞eviewing and assessing potential strategic options for the business鈥.

L&G modular factory

L&G is drawing a line under its modular factory near Selby

The statement added that the business expected to make the majority of roles redundant at the firm, though it did not say how many people were currently employed.

The decision to stop production at the business comes months after L&G鈥檚 group chief executive Nigel Wilson, who has championed L&G鈥檚 investment in housing and modular housing specifically, announced he will be stepping down from the company when a replacement can be found.

The statement said that given the modular factory鈥檚 significant fixed cost base, 鈥渁 strong and predictable site pipeline鈥 was required to make it a sustainable business.

But it added: 鈥淗owever, a number of factors, including long planning delays and the impact of recent macro events such as covid, have meant the business has not been able to secure the necessary scale of pipeline to make the current model work. Without this pipeline, it has not proved possible to build a business that can sustain the significant running costs of the large factory in Selby.鈥

L&G鈥檚 move will be seen as a blow to the modular construction industry as a whole, with the insurance giant鈥檚 investment seen as a real boost to the credibility of a sector often regarded as a cottage industry.

It follows the difficulties at several MMC providers last year, including the collapse of the Urban Splash Sekisui joint venture, problems at Swan鈥檚 modular housing programme and the collapse of Caledonian Modular.

>> See also Capital ambitions: Why Nigel Wilson is persisting with L&G鈥檚 huge housing push

>> See also Why are we struggling to make modular work?

L&G has previously denied suggestions the business was in difficulty, ever since rumours that the initial equipment installed in the factory after its opening in 2016 had to be replaced.

The following year, the firm hired a former Rolls Royce executive, Rosie Toogood, with significant manufacturing experience, to run the operation, but the business has still struggled to make inroads in the market. In 2021 Toogood said it was preparing to ramp up production and hiring 350 staff in order to do so.

By late last year it had won a significant pipeline of around 2,200 homes in total 鈥 but well short of what would be needed to be delivering 3,500 homes annually from next year.

L&G Modular Rosie Toogood

Former Rolls Royce executive Rosie Toogood was brought in to stem the losses at the business

Recent weeks have also seen reports of build problems on its flagship 185-home Bonnington Walk scheme in Bristol, which had delayed delivery of the scheme.

Last year L&G Modular reported a pre-tax loss of 拢36.8m for the 2021 calendar year, meaning it had by then racked up a total of 拢174m in losses since its inception in 2016.

Last year, Wilson told 好色先生TV鈥檚 sister title Housing Today that had been behind the slow start to the modular business and said he was optimistic for it but cautioned that it . 鈥淥f course we鈥檝e got shareholders as well to think about,鈥 he said.

Bill Hughes, chair of Legal & General Modular Homes鈥 Board, said today that L&G as a whole remained 鈥渄eeply committed to the UK housing sector, where we have delivered 15,000 homes over the last three years鈥 and that the business was 鈥渃ontinuing to actively explore all options available to us鈥 regarding the modular firm.

He said the modular business 鈥渨ill retain a select workforce to ensure high quality delivery and aftercare services for our existing customers, whilst engaging with each of our partners regarding ongoing modular projects.鈥

He added: 鈥淟egal & General is proud of what we have achieved in bringing forward a new approach to construction through our factory. However, without the necessary scale of pipeline it is not sustainable to continue producing more modules. We are therefore reluctantly proposing to reduce business activity and cease production of new modules at the factory.

鈥淩egrettably, this includes commencing consultation with all employees around the proposal to make the majority of Modular Homes roles redundant. We recognise this will be a challenging and uncertain period for our staff and we will be actively exploring redeployment opportunities and supporting them during this difficult time.鈥