It has also announced a call for evidence to increase the use of modern methods of construction

A 拢600bn decade-long construction and infrastructure pipeline has today been outlined by the government.

The government鈥檚 national infrastructure and construction pipeline reveals the public and private investment underway and expected by 2028.

It includes schemes announced by chancellor Philip Hammond in his recent budget, such as a 拢28bn national roads fund, as well as other flagship projects like East West Rail, upgrading the M6 to a smart motorway and Hornsea Project One 鈥 the largest offshore wind farm in the world.

According to Robert Jenrick, exchequer secretary to the Treasury, around half the projects will be privately funded, while around 拢190bn of planned investment in the pipeline will be delivered by 2020/21.

As part of its latest pipeline, the government said it had also committed to using modern methods of construction (MMC) for public projects and is seeking views on how it can encourage greater use of these techniques in order to improve productivity.

Jenrick said: 鈥淎s the pace of technological change accelerates, we are stepping up our commitment to digital infrastructure, use of data to drive greater productivity and embrace new methods of construction.

鈥淲ith 拢600bn of investment over the next decade, including the largest ever investment in our strategic road network, we are taking the long-term action required to raise productivity and ensure the economy is fit for the future.鈥

Mace boss Mark Reynolds welcomed the government鈥檚 decision to promote MMC, saying they were 鈥渒ey to dramatically increasing our industry鈥檚 productivity, quality and safety challenges鈥.

He said: 鈥淚t makes sense for the government to reward the companies who are willing to take the lead. Transformation and innovation will not happen without significant investment in research and development, which is why government and industry must work together the realise the benefits this announcement provides; alongside the Sector Deal.鈥

Consultant WSP also welcomed the announcement of both the pipeline and the MMC consultation, with director Adrian Hames saying 鈥渢he need to build modern and most importantly flexible infrastructure that makes use of the latest technology has never been greater鈥.