Latest report on Eurozone countries found Slovenia, Slovakia and Portugal showed biggest declines

Europe鈥檚 construction output fell 1.1% in September 2009 against the previous month. The figure was revealed in a new report from Eurostat, the statistics office of the European Communities, which looked at both the 16-nation Eurozone and a 27-nation group including the UK, known as the EU27. It found that in August output for the Eurozone rose slightly, by 0.1%, and in the EU27 it fell by 0.1%.

Compared with September 2008, output in September 2009 dropped by 8.0% in the Eurozone area and by 9.4% in the EU27.

Among the Eurozone member states for which Eurostat collected for September 2009, construction output rose in four and fell in eight. The highest increases were in the Czech Republic (2.4%), Romania (2.0%) and Spain (1.5%), and the largest decreases in Slovenia (-10.4%), Slovakia (-6.2%) and Portugal (-2.3%).