Environmental campaigner is refused planning permission by Hounslow council

Livia and Colin Firth

The wife of actor Colin Firth has lost a planning appeal over her bid to install a large solar panel on their listed home, in the latest case to test planners鈥 resistance to attempts to improve the environmental sustainability of dwellings.

Environmental campaigner Livia Firth appointed eco consultant Mr Woolf Inc to work up plans for the couple鈥檚 Grade II listed home in Chiswick鈥檚 Bedford Park - a conservation area and London鈥檚 first Garden Suburb.

However, a planning inspector has now ratified local authority Hounslow Council鈥檚 decision in turning down the listed building consent application last autumn.

The inspector, Roger Shrimplin, said the panel would be 鈥渦nduly large鈥 in relation to the roof slope and were proposed high up on the slope.

鈥淭he panel would erode the architectural qualities of the listed host building itself and would cause actual harm to the character and appearance of the Bedford Park conservation area,鈥 he said.

livia firth

Source: Alamy

He added that the sustainability benefits of the plan weighed in its favour but said the 鈥渉arm鈥 done to the 鈥渉istoric setting and the street scene鈥 outweighed this.

Shrimplin also criticised several 鈥渆rrors鈥 on the application including the precise location of the panel on the house.

鈥淭here are other significant errors in the drawings which have been submitted,鈥 he said.

Senior partner at planning consultant Barton Willmore, Ian Tant, said listed building regulations did not preclude the installation of solar panels but said their design and positioning needed to be extremely well conceived.

Tant said: 鈥淚n this case, the inspector clearly felt that the design and positioning were both inappropriate.

鈥淚nterestingly, although he stuck to his primary duty to the preservation or enhancement of the listed building, the inspector did give regard to the importance of developing sustainable energy sources. 

鈥淗owever, the decision emphasises the care that鈥檚 needed in design terms when seeking solar panels on an historic building.鈥

In the design and access statement submitted to Hounslow, Mr Wolf Inc pointed to the UK government鈥檚 target of cutting carbon emissions by 60% below 1990 levels by 2050.

Built between 1875 and 1886, Bedford Park has been called 鈥渙ne of the most influential housing developments in Britain鈥 with the area鈥檚 Bedford Park Society one of those objecting to the Firths鈥 plan.