More than 850 employers have offered them job opportunities

apprentices carillion

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has said that 553 former Carillion apprentices across the UK have received job offers.

Just over two weeks ago, 1,400 apprentices were affected when the contractor collapsed on 15 January.

Following this, the CITB 鈥 in partnership with the government and construction employees 鈥 set up a project team to help retain and redeploy Carillion apprentices.

The training board has now contacted over 40,000 construction employers, the vast majority of which it says have been SMEs, encouraging them to take on these apprentices and creating a 拢1.5m cash incentive programme for those who do.

More than 850 employers have responded and offered job opportunities.

On 18-19 January, CITB hosted 11 events, outlining the support on offer to apprentices in order to help them find new roles.

Carillion apprentices were primarily training in fields critical to both the housing and skills crises, with a majority working in bricklaying, carpentry and joinery.

Gillian Cain, head of apprenticeships at the CITB, said: 鈥淚 want to reassure those who have not yet received job offers that the team at CITB will continue to do everything they can to help apprentices find new employers and get on with their training. We are confident that with industry support we can get all apprentices back on track very soon.鈥