Fiona Cousins takes over from Adrian Catchpole 

Fiona Cousins has been appointed the new president of the Chartered Institution of 好色先生TV Services Engineers (CIBSE).

Cousins holds a number of senior positions at engineering consultancy firm Arup, including Americas region chair and member of the Arup group board.

Fiona Cousins

Source: CIBSE

Fiona Cousins, new president of CIBSE

A mechanical and sustainability engineer by profession, her outlook for CIBSE involves prioritising occupant wellbeing, air quality, acoustic performance and resilience to climate change.

Following from Adrian Catchpole鈥檚 leadership of the organisation, she also intends to continue his efforts in promoting STEM ambassadors in schools.

The recently appointed president has worked on an array of projects such as the US Embassy in London and Fulton Street Station in New York. 

>> Read more: CIBSE takes over from BRE as new NABERS UK administrator 

鈥淢uch of the work of building services engineers has been very sharply focused on energy use, where the relationship with climate change has long been clear. It鈥檚 time to broaden that view to put more emphasis on other things,鈥 said Cousins.

Cousins is a staunch advocate for increasing sustainability and inclusivity in the construction sector, with advisory roles like her appointment to the New York City advisory board for Local Law 97, an initiative seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from commercial and residential buildings.