Architect thrown off Geffrye Museum development as Canada Water scheme gets planning

Canada Water scheme, David Chipperfield Architects

Source: Richard Davies

Canada Water scheme, David Chipperfield Architects

David Chipperfield has seen his firm awarded planning for its Canada Water development but thrown off the Geffrye Museum extension project.

The Canada Water development in Southwark for Sellar Developments is a mixed-use scheme designed as part of Southwark council鈥檚 plan to regenerate the area.

It consists of three buildings. The first is a long narrow block on pilotis; the second is a medium rise building and the third is a slender landmark tower of 150m.

The design groups the three buildings around a soft landscaped square.

Fellow architect Maccreanor Lavington has masterplanned the development and landscape architect VOGT is also working on the scheme.

Meanwhile,Chipperfield has been chucked off the team designing a 拢19m extension to east London鈥檚 well-known Geffrye Museum.

The original scheme, which Chipperfield designed, was refused planning permission in May this year.

David Dewing, director of the museum, said 鈥淲e have enjoyed a very productive relationship with David Chipperfield Architects. But sadly, the scheme we worked up together failed to secure planning permission.

鈥淪o in discussion with David Chipperfield, we feel a fresh start is needed. We will be selecting new architects with a modified brief in the coming months and submitting a new application to the Heritage Lottery Fund.

鈥淲e are feeling confident and reinvigorated about taking the project forward for the benefit of our visitors in Hackney and beyond.鈥

The museum鈥檚 bosses want the new extension design to improve access to the museum鈥檚 collections, gardens and buildings.

The scheme will include a library, gallery, restaurant and conference facilities.