Firms part of consortium examining the case for a new Formula One standard stadium

A consortium including Capita Symonds and architect Populous is exploring the possibility of building a Formula One standard racing circuit near the Indian city of Mumbai.

The consortium, which also includes Delhi Integrated Multi Modal Transit System, was appointed by the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation to prepare a masterplan and business case for a new multipurpose race circuit and regeneration project.

The move comes ahead of the inaugural Indian Grand Prix, which will take place outside Delhi this weekend.

Capita Symonds and Populous have both worked on prestigious stadia in the past, and count Silverstone鈥檚 new developments, Wembley Stadium and London鈥檚 2012 Olympic Stadium among their previous projects.  

The firms' first task will be to find a suitable site for the development, which will be constructed alongside a new retail park and residential properties.

They will be working with the F茅d茅ration Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) and F茅d茅ration Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) to ensure that all aspects of the scheme meet motor sport鈥檚 regulatory requirements.

Jerry Muscroft, Capita's business development director, said: 鈥淥ur appointment reflects the consortium's growing strength in masterplanning, transportation and design of some of the world's leading motor racing circuits and regeneration projects.

鈥淭he consortium understands how large sporting projects can be 'Urban Generators' that enhance and encourage development. We will lead the way with sports masterplanning and sports community generation, and appreciate how considered designs can create significant value to neighbouring areas and communities."