Theresa May to stick to her guns and make selective schools part of the mix

Tomorrow鈥檚 Budget will plough 拢320m into the government鈥檚 free school programme and lay the groundwork for the next generation of grammar schools.

The free schools cash will be used to create 70,000 places in 140 schools, with selective education to be part of the mix if backed by MPs.

Construction industy leaders are calling for a cash injection into infrastructure, public construction and housebuilding tomorrow, to make up for a slowdown in private commercial construction.

The government has already trailed that there will be a shake-up of technical education in the Budget, with an investment of 拢500m a year into 鈥楾-levels - technical training for 16-19-year-olds in sectors including construction and engineering.

The government said it would ramp up training via technical routes to 900 hours - a 50% increase - and each course would offer a 鈥渉igh quality work placement鈥.