Consultant JV wins big contract to design a tunnel and bypass on 拢200m project

An Arup and Atkins joint venture has won a 拢17.5m design contract to draw up plans for a tunnel and a bypass on the A303 near Stonehenge.

The JV will develop options to take to consultation and then through to a preferred route announcement on the 拢200m project.

Work to improve the section of the A303 will include building a tunnel and a bypass around the village of Winterbourne Stoke.

Subject to statutory procedures, construction is expected to start on the scheme in April 2020.

The scheme鈥檚 project director, Andrew Alcorn, said having Arup and Atkins on board will help Highways England 鈥渢ake the next step to making this scheme a reality.鈥

Both highways directors at Arup and Atkins, Tony Marshall and Lesley Waud, said they were 鈥渄elighted鈥 to be working together on the scheme at the world heritage site.