Consultant is part of an engineering team on the final design phase of the project

Arcadis has won a role on a project to improve the flood protection of New York鈥檚 Lower East Side coastline.

The scheme, which was awarded $335m (拢248m) of funding from the US government, began in 2013 after Hurricane Sandy caused severe flooding in the US city in 2012.

Arcadis is to be the engineer of record on the US city鈥檚 East Side Coastal Resiliency Project to protect 2.5 miles of Lower Manhatten from severe weather events and rising sea levels.

The firm is part of an engineering team, that includes CH2M, which will work on the final design phase of the project for the design and construction department of New York City. The urban design of the scheme has been led by architect BIG.

The consultants with the City of New York and local communities are to design flood protection solutions that merge into the urban fabric for the 200,000 residents and 21,000 businesses in the area.

Design features will incorporate a combination of architectural floodwalls, bridging berms, embankments, moveable floodgates, and interior drainage improvements, all integrated with East River Park amenities to include recreational facilities, pedestrian and bicycle pathways.

Arcadis is to also develop supporting documentation necessary for changes to the Federal Emergency Management Agency鈥檚 flood hazard maps.

Peter Glus, city executive for New York City at Arcadis, said: 鈥淣ew York City is particularly vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise as proven by Hurricane Sandy鈥檚 economic impacts on the city鈥檚 dense population and business centres as well as underground infrastructure.鈥

鈥淥ur team brings a wealth of expertise in climate change adaptability and resilience from our Dutch heritage and from our experienced engineers who designed flood protection systems across the Louisiana coast following Hurricane Katrina.鈥